
Rep. Burchett: Shut Down of W.H. Cocaine Investigation Is Another Cover-Up

‘I just left the most ridiculous meeting of all time’
By Grabien Staff


BURCHETT: “I just left the most ridiculous meeting of all time of the Secret Service of the cocaine that was found in the — in the White House. So, it turns out they don’t know who did it. The investigation’s gonna be over at the end of the week and they’re not gonna find out who to who did it. That’s basically it. Another cover-up. You know, it’s the most secure building in the entire world. You can’t go in there, they have facial identification, they have — you gotta give your Social Security number, nobody, even the press, nobody goes in there without them knowing. This is a bad look on the Secret Service and a horrible look on this White House. More cover-ups continue.”

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