
Rep. Byron Donalds: I Am Officially a Candidate for Speaker of the House

‘I believe I am the leader that can get that job done’
By Grabien Staff


DONALDS: “I am a candidate officially. We put out a notice on our X, telling the American people and my colleagues that I’ve thrown my hat in the ring to run for speaker of the House. Look, let’s be very clear. Our House right now, we’re having some issues. We can repair those issues, but it requires us to be unified, number one, go back to business and secure our border, actually fund this government responsibly, and then continue to lay out that conservative vision for the people who sent us here. That job can still be done. I believe I am the leader that can get that job done. That’s why I threw my hat in the ring to run for speaker of the House.”

(via Twitter)

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