
Rep. Comer on Hunter Biden Probe: The Bidens ‘Became Millionaires by Simply Offering Access to the Family’

‘Among the dozens of shell companies the Bidens set up, there were millions of dollars of wire transfers, flights on Air Force Two to conduct personal business and meetings with heads of state while Joe Biden was aware of what was happening’
By Grabien Staff


COMER: “Committee Republicans have identified over 50 countries the Biden family sought businesses in on the international side of the Biden family business. The deals were often led by Hunter Biden. And that map there behind play shows all the countries where the Biden's had a footprint in international business dealings. The investigation reveals a family that engaged with some of America's most powerful adversaries, planning the sale one of the largest sources of cobalt for electric vehicles in the world to the Chinese, for example. The Bidens flourished and became millionaires by simply offering access to the family.”


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