
Rep. Cummings Blames Trump for Restaurant Owner Refusing to Serve Sarah Sanders

‘President Trump has created this’
By Grabien Staff


BRENNAN: "I want to ask you about — so the question is the tone or lack of civility right now. Over the weekend, Sarah Sanders, the president’s press secretary, was refused service at a restaurant in Virginia because of who she works for. Her father, the former governor of Arkansas, also tweeted out a photo showing M.S. 13 gang members, or claiming that’s who these men were, and called them Democrat Nancy Pelosi’s campaign committee. Some heard that as racist. What do you make of this kind of —"
CUMMINGS: "First of all, I think, as far as the restaurant incident, I think the restaurant owner should have served her. I really do. But, this tone is horrible. But again, I think President Trump has created this. Since he’s become president, even before, he’s basically given people license to state things that are ugly and those things then turn into actions, as we can now see. But we’ve got to get away from this and we’ve got to concentrate on what is important at this moment. And we’ve got to get a — he’s got to be more competent. Even the policies that he likes, he has not been very good at executing. And so, we’ve got to find a way to adjust that."

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