
Rep. Frederica Wilson on Death of Soldiers in Niger: ‘This May Wind up To Be Mr. Trump’s Benghazi’

‘He needs to investigate this very, very closely’
By Grabien Staff


CAMEROTA: “We understand. Congresswoman, do you -- is it your impression from what you've heard from the Pentagon or just in Congress that on this mission did these soldiers have the necessary cover for the mission they were on?”
WILSON: “It doesn’t seem as if they had sufficient cover. It doesn’t seem they had sufficient vehicles, the appropriate armored cars; it feels -- it seems as if they were outnumbered. It seems as if he was missing for 24 hours, but his transmitter was still beeping. And it seems as if they could have found him. This may wind up to be Mr. Trump’s Benghazi. So he needs to investigate this very, very closely. Because I will be making sure that Congress does that.”

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