
Rep. Gutierrez on Mueller Charges: ‘It’s Going To Be the First of Many’

‘Mueller’s going to be the right man for the job’
By Grabien Staff

ROBERTS: "Joining me now democratic congressman Luis Gutierrez of Illinois. Sir, it's good to have you here. First, I want to get your reaction to the Mueller probe and the news that NBC confirmed about the first indictment coming out on Monday."
GUTIERREZ: "Well, I think it's the first of many. It's clear to me, given everything that been written and exposed since after the election of the president almost exclusively that this investigation and so I'm delighted to hear that the senators are going to protect the Mueller investigation. Because I think transparency and clarity is what we need. I think Mueller's going to be the right man for the job."
ROBERTS: "When we think about this could be something connected to the suspicion of any type of Russia coordination or not, sir, how much do you think that Mueller risks any type of integrity of what his team has able to do if they deliver on something that many Americans aren't expecting?"
GUTIERREZ: "Look, I think Mueller has to go where the evidence takes him. I think that's exactly what he's doing. He's interviewing so many people at the White House and within the periphery of the trump campaign, and he should do exactly that. I am happy that he's doing it, that doesn't mean that we are somehow relieved of our work as a member of Judiciary Committee. I'm working with other colleagues also at looking at what it is Donald Trump has done. We can't get the majority on the Judiciary Committee to do its job. So really it's kinda good, as the framers said, you know, if the House of Representatives and those elected to the house and the Senate won't do their job, well, that's what we have an independent judiciary. So I'm happy he's doing it because let's face it, they're not going to do it in the House of Representatives and whatever work they're doing in the Senate isn't going to be as incisive and quick as the work Mueller's going to do. So I say god speed to him."

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