
Rep. Jackson Lee: ‘Let’s Not Blame People’ for Mass Shootings, But ‘Guns, Guns, Guns’

‘I ask my colleagues to support my bill’
By Grabien Staff

LEE: "There are so many things that the American people have to deal with and I think you have heard many of us offer our sympathy and concern for the tragedy that happened in my state and clearly, one more thing we don't want to deal with, the shooting of those people of faith praying on their day of worship, which is what happened in Texas on Sunday. Today, I'm introducing, H.R. 4268, the gun safety not sorry act of 2017 that addresses the seven-day waiting period for purchases or sales of silencers or large capacity mag zeens. And let me respond to those who offered mental health. Mental health, America cabs have more mental health with fewer mass shootings but shows that only 4% of American gun deaths can be contributed to it. Let's not blame people. That is not the problem. As the article said in the "New York Times," it's all about guns, guns, guns. I ask my colleagues to support my bill. I yield back."

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