
Rep. Jamie Raskin: ‘What We’re Focused on Now Is Should We Have an Impeachment Inquiry’

‘An inquiry into whether there were high crimes and misdemeanors’
By Grabien Staff


RASKIN: “It's one president who acts unpredictably, in an unstable way, impetuously. He does whatever he wants, so there's the appearance of a lot of motion and action there. And Congress is a very big body, and there's hundreds of us in it, and we are involved in a team sport, not an individual sport. So we got to bring everybody along. But I think that there's a major breakthrough coming, Joy, which is that, up until now, the press has basically framed this, so are you for impeachment, are you against impeachment, and in some sense, that's the wrong question, because that’s the very end of the analysis, that's the end of the process. What we're focused on now is should we have an impeachment inquiry, should we just launch an inquiry into whether there were high crimes and misdemeanors, not low crimes and misdemeanors, the kind that Bill Clinton committed, but high crimes and misdemeanors, like obstruction of justice, like abuse of power, like contempt of Congress, which were the three counts in the Nixon articles of impeachment.”

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