
Rep. Jeffries: Trump Tweeting Criticism of Sessions ‘Could Be Obstruction of Justice’

‘When Donald Trump tweets things like did he this morning, it is all designed to be a distraction’
By Grabien Staff

BLITZER: "You're on the judiciary Committee. This is the follow presidential statement. Why is the attorney general Jeff Sessions asking the inspector general to investigate potentially massive FISA abuse? Will take forever. Has to prosecutorial power and already late with reports on Comey, et cetera. Isn't the I.G. An Obama guy? Why not use Justice Department lawyers? Disgraceful. What do you make of this public humiliation of his attorney general?"
JEFFRIES: "Well, first of all, president Trump clearly doesn't understand the role of the attorney general. He is the people's attorney, not the president's personal attorney. So this is all part of the dysfunction we've seen in the trump White House. Sessions is fighting with trump. Trump is fighting with Bannon. Bannon is fighting with Kushner. Kushner is fighting with Kelly. He's fighting with scaramucci. Do you know who is losing? The American people."
BLITZER: "He's fighting back. He says inn appropriate process and the inspector general, he could come up with conclusions and recommend prosecution if he feels that's appropriate. That's the normal way things are done."
JEFFRIES: "At the end of the day, here's what is really disgraceful. Donald Trump continues to release his attaches to the American people. He fired the head of the FBI. He refuses to do anything about the continuing Russian attacks on our democracy in advance of the mid-term elections. That's disgraceful. When Donald Trump tweets things like did he this morning, it is all designed to be a distraction."
BLITZER: "But can he really do his job, the president was angry at him when he recused himself as far as the Russia probe is concerned."
JEFFRIES: "It would be difficult. But I think senator grassley, the chairperson, has previously gone on record to say that if sessions is forced out, a lot of things we have to do and he has no intention of holding a hearing to confirm a new attorney general. So Donald Trump may be trapped."
BLITZER: "I want to put up on the screen some of the criticisms trump has lashed. Idiot, beleaguered, very weak, very disappointed with him, he did a terrible thing, and now disgraceful, all caps with an exclamation point. Yet sessions continues on the job. Some are suggesting that the president has done that. He wants him out so he can name someone else who would be more supportive."
JEFFRIES: "This may be part of a continuing pattern to obstruct justice and to shape. What I find problematic is that Donald Trump is attack his own attorney general, one of his best friends, closest allies, on the campaign trail, his earliest endorser from the United States Senate. He's attacked our allies in this country. Attacked great Britain. Attacked Canada, France, Germany, Australia, he can't say a single negative word about Vladimir Putin of the that fundamentally is the problem. And it is back and forthwith Jeff Sessions illustrates the double standards."

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