
Rep. Jeffries: Ukraine and Russia Is Not Just About a Territorial Dispute, It’s a ‘Fight Between Truth and Propaganda’

‘This is a fight between democracy and autocracy’
By Grabien Staff


JEFFRIES: “Well, the fight between Ukraine and Russia is not just about a territorial dispute, of course, although Russia’s aggressive incursion into Ukraine is a complete violation of international law, but this is a fight between democracy and autocracy, a fight between freedom and tyranny, a fight between truth and propaganda. And Ukraine, the United States of America, the free world should stand on the side of democracy. And that’s what we have been doing in supporting the Ukrainian war effort. If we allow the Ukrainian war effort to falter, which by the way, has been very successful, more than 300,000 casualties inflicted on the Russian military, almost 80 percent of the regular Russian military has been wiped out, with not a single American life put at risk in terms of Ukraine. And so I think if we allow Ukraine to falter because we don’t continue our support, then we are likely in the fight with Russia because of our NATO Article 5 obligations, because we know Putin won’t stop in Ukraine. He’ll likely invade a NATO ally, and now American troops are in Europe. That’s something that we should avoid.”

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