
Rep. Khanna Dismisses Biden’s Dismal Poll Numbers: He ‘Has Never Been a Frontrunner’

‘It’s going to be a hard election’
By Grabien Staff


KHANNA: "Look, it’s going to be a hard election. The president, though, has never been a front-runner. He was not a front-runner when he ran for president in 1988, he wasn't in 2008, and he wasn't when he won the nomination in 2020. So I actually think he should embrace the role as someone who is going to have to fight for this, like Harry Truman did, run against a do-nothing Republican Congress, go out there, barnstorm the country, talk about being Scranton Joe and what he's doing for the working class, and embrace the role that, yes, he's down right now in the polls and he is going to be the underdog who comes back. Americans love that kind of a story, and I think the president is at his best when he is out there fighting."

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