
Rep. Sara Jacobs Calls for ‘Truth Commission’: America Needs a ‘Common Narrative’

Things like ‘truth commissions ... are going to be the real fixes to what we have seen in this country’


JACOBS: "So, I think part of what we're seeing now is because we haven't really done the reckoning with the racial injustice and white supremacy of our past that we need to do. And so, you know, a truth commission, a lot of people will think of South Africa. We've used them in countries around the world. And basically, what it is, is it's communities all the way up to the national level having conversations about both the gory and the glory of our history and what happened, both throughout the history of our country and leading up to and on January 6th, so that we can come to a common narrative moving forward of what we want our country to be."

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