
Rep. Schiff: Trump Picked Kavanaugh as a ‘Get-out-of-Jail Free Card’

‘That is something that every senator needs to think about during any confirmation process’
By Grabien Staff


COOPER: "Do you personally believe that that’s why he was selected, to give cover for the president? On this particular issue?"
SCHIFF: "I do believe there is only one guiding ideology, philosophy, rule of law or rule of thumb for this president, and that is self. He changes his policy positions five times a day. He has no devotion to anything that conservative view would espouse or the conservative party for that matter. The only guiding principle, the north star for this president is self-interest. And so, yes, among these 25 candidates approved by the Federalist Society, he picks the one that says a sitting president shouldn’t be the subject of an investigation or prosecution. I think it’s hard to imagine that was not a very decisive factor in Kavanaugh’s favor. It’s also hard to imagine that given that history that any opinion he would participate in would have the kind of respect of the public that it would need to to have credibility. I think this is a key factor. And I just think —"
COOPER: "It’s a pretty damning statement about the motivation of the president for picking a Supreme Court justice, that basically, he’s sort of trying to get himself a get out of jail card, a potential get out of jail or stay out of jail card."
SCHIFF: "Well, look, it would be naive to think otherwise with this president. He reminds us on a daily basis on Twitter that it’s all about him, that the problems that he has with NATO and Europe are about him, the affinity that he has with Putin is about him, that even controversies that would ostensibly have nothing to do with him are in reality about him. So why should we imagine that this Supreme Court pick would be anything different? I think it would be quite naive to think otherwise. And so in light of that, I think we have to game this out. These questions are likely to go to the court. Some of these questions are likely to go to the court. And what kind of a crisis of confidence will there be if a Supreme Court in which Kavanaugh sits makes a decision impacting the direction, the future of this presidency? I think that is something that every senator needs to think about during any confirmation process."

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