
Reporters’ Attempt at Baiting Iraqi Detained at JFK to Bash Trump Backfires: ‘I Like’ Trump, I Love America

‘America is the land of freedom’
By Grabien Staff

An Iraqi interpreter who worked with the U.S. government was detained today at JFK airport for 19 hours. After being released, reporters flocked, peppering the man with questions, seemingly expecting him to unload on Donald Trump, who recently signed an executive order that will curtail immigration from countries with high levels of terrorism.

The man, Hameed Khalid Darweesh, immediately began celebrating America.

"First of all, I want to thank the people that take care of me and support me," Darweesh said. "They leave their family, their business and come to support me. This is what pushed me to move, to leave my country and come here. And I'm very, very thankful to all of the people who have come to support me. Thank you very much."

"And always we know America is the land of freedom," he continued. "The land of freedom, the land of the rights. This is what brought me too came here and I'm very thankful, I'm very happy." 

Reporters then asked, "What do you think of Donald Trump?"

"I like him," Darweesh replied. "But this is a policy, I don't know. He's the president, I'm a person. I have a special immigration Visa in my passport because I work with the U.S. G=government, I support the U.S. government on the other side of the world. But when I came here, they say no and they treat me as I break the rules or do something wrong. That surprise me. Really I surprised."

"How does that make you feel?" another reporter asked.

"I'm happy because I have you, you Americans."

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