
Republican Candidate Admits on CNN He Hasn’t Actually Met Requirements For Debate Yet Despite Announcing He Had

‘I’m sure I’m gonna be there on Wednesday’
By Grabien Staff


SUAREZ: “Yeah, I’m sure I’m gonna be there on Wednesday. We’ve been having conversations back and forth. They’ve never done this before, we’ve never done this before, and we are sort of crossing our Ts and going through the process. For example, we’ve shown them that we’ve reached the donor threshold by having, I think, 42,000 or so donations, but understandably, they need to audit that. So, there’s a process for them to audit that. We’ve sent them, just tonight, a couple of polls, including one by Kaplan Strategies where we’re actually at 2%, which would meet the national polls. They’re certifying that as well. So it’s a process, we understand it’s a process.”

(Via Mediaite)

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