
RFK Jr.: Republican Debate Was ‘Surreal’ and ‘Tone-Deaf’; ‘They Were Throwing Around Clichés from the Reagan Era’

‘Nobody was offering policies of here’s what I’m going to do to help the declining middle class’
By Grabien Staff


KENNEDY JR.: “You know, last night I watched the debate, the Republican debate, and it was really surreal for me, because it seemed so tone-deaf. It seemed like they were throwing around kind of clichés from the Reagan era. And I’m looking at people who are sitting at their kitchen table wondering how they’re going to pay their medical bills, wondering about how they’re going to get the kids out of the house because nobody can afford a house anymore, how they’re going to pay for food, how they’re going to pay for fuel. And none of those issues was discussed. Nobody was offering policies of here’s what I’m going to do to help the declining middle class in this country.”

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