
Richard Painter: ‘House & Senate Judiciary Committee Should Move Toward Impeaching this Pres.’

‘Repeated lies, repeated instances’
By Grabien Staff


MELBER: "We'll move that to 0. What's the significance of that tonight?
PAINTER: "One more lie. Repeated lies, repeated instances. And Bob Mueller doesn't have to be the person who investigates all of this all alone. The United States house and Senate should be investigating. They should be convening, the house and Senate judiciary Committee to move toward impeaching this president. They're sitting around doing absolutely nothing. I don't know why both parties, they need to focus on the clear violations of law, violations of the Constitution, and criminal lies by the president. And they're not willing to do it. The members of the house and the Senate. And if I'm there, I'm going to do something about it. Because Americans are fed up. We're not going to tolerate a president who behaves this way. This is just one more lie, one more criminal lie, if it was intentional, and we're hearing about new ones every week. It's a new thing or two things. We heard about the collusion and the Trump Tower with the Russians yet again. More details on that. And once again, the payout from the Chinese. I want goes on and on and on and it's going to keep on going on until Congress does something."

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