
Riley Gaines: Billie Jean King Is ‘Actively Undermining Everything She Once Fought for and Fighting for Male Inclusion in Women’s Sports’

‘It’s time we reclaim what it means to be a feminist’
By Grabien Staff


GAINES: "It is ironic. Even just thinking about a month ago when I testified before Congress, one of the Democrat witnesses was the president of the national women’s law center, a law center dedicated to advocating and fighting for women. And in her opening testimony, she said women should just learn how to lose more gracefully in sports. And you think of someone like Billie Jean King, right, really who we have to accredit title ix to, she is actively undermining everything she once fought for in fighting for male inclusion in women’s sports and women’s spaces. So ironic is a good word, almost comical if there weren’t real consequences to what these women feminists — are fight fighting for. And prior to this I never would have considered myself a feminist, but I think it’s time we reclaim what it means to be a feminist because, look, I am pro-woman. I am pro-truth, pro-fairness, I am pro-reality, pro-common sense."

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