
Rob Reiner Likens Trump to Hitler, David Koresh, Jim Jones

‘That’s the power of the demagogue’
By Grabien Staff

Actor and director Rob Reiner compared Donald Trump to infamous dictators and cult leaders Jim Jones, David Koresh and ... Adolf Hitler.

He appeared Wednesday on MSNBC's "Morning Joe." Here's an excerpt:

REINER: "That's the power of a demagogue. That's what they do. They spread words -- listen, we follow all kinds of crazy people in the world. We follow, you know, Hitler, David Koresh, Jim Jones, people follow all kinds of people if they're loud and they scream and they say these crazy things, but I urge people to really think this through. And I urge my -- (Applause) my Bernie, my Bernie friends -- and Bernie people have done a great job, but please, please, please understand what's at stake here."

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