
Robert O’Brien: Xi Jin Ping Told Biden ‘We’re Going to Take Taiwan’ and ‘We’re Not Responding to It’

‘A very disturbing message’
By Grabien Staff


CHAFFETZ: “When we’re weak, our adversaries take advantage of us. We're seeing that with the Houthis, Kata'ib Hezbollah, Iran, Hamas, the Russians and now the Chinese. And what's very disturbing is we just learned that Xi Jinping, in his meeting with President Biden in San Francisco, which — the one benefit from the meeting, San Francisco got cleaned up for a couple days, so that was nice for the people in San Francisco, they were able to go out and walk on their streets for a couple days. But he told Biden flat out, 'We’re going to take Taiwan and there’s nothing you can do about it.' So a very disturbing message and something that we’re not responding to."

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