
Ronna McDaniel: ‘I’m Proud’ of the Work the RNC Is Doing

‘We don’t do the messaging, the candidates do with their pollsters and their campaigns’
By Grabien Staff


McDANIEL: "I understand being frustrated. Of course, we want to win. And I look at the RNC, though, and I'm proud of what we're doing. I mean, we're a turnout machine. We don't do the messaging, the candidates do with their pollsters and their campaigns. But I look at our minority outreach that we're doing and the growth we have seen with Hispanic and Asian voters. I look at 2022. Republicans won the popular vote. We turned out 4 million more voters, and we would have won the Electoral College. The RNC builds the road, all the candidates drive on it. You need a good candidate and a good road to get to your destination. And the things we're doing right now with our Bank Your Vote initiative and with 70 lawsuits that we're in — we just won one in New Hampshire that upholds voter I.D. — on top of our engagement with minority communities, I'm really proud of what the RNC does."

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