
Russia Accuses U.S. of ‘Flagrant Violation of International Law and an Act of Aggression’

‘The consequences of this for regional and international stability could be extremely serious’
By Grabien Staff


SAFRONKOV (via translator): “Madam President, first of all, the permanent representative of Sweden, please accept our deep condolences on the tragedy that took place in Stockholm. On the night of the 7th of April, the United States attacked the territory of sovereign Syria. We describe that attack as a flagrant violation of international law and an act of aggression. We strongly condemn the illegitimate actions by the U.S. The consequences of this for regional and international stability could be extremely serious. This attack was a flagrant violation of the 2015 memorandum on preventing incidents and ensuring security during our operations in Syrian airspace and the ministry of defense of Russia has stopped its cooperation with Pentagon under that memorandum."

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