
Ryan Goodman on Trump’s Civil Fraud Trial: State Attorneys Went Home ‘Very Happy’ with Trump Sons’ Testimony

‘They got so many different things out of them including them contradicting one another and then contradicting themselves’
By Grabien Staff


GOODMAN: “Very much so. I think that the state attorneys probably went home this week very happy with the results. So they got so many different things out of them, including them contradicting one another and then contradicting themselves. Eric Trump is in fact on the stand, having to admit that he had just said that he did not know about his father’s personal statements of financial condition, until the case began. And then they show him an email from 2013 and he says, okay, yeah that does look like it. He says, I was never involved in —“

BOLDUAN: “That doesn’t feel like it was a good moment for anyone.”

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