
Sally Kohn: Trump’s Treating White Supremacists with Kid Gloves and Going After Black People with Outrageous Terms

‘You’re supposed to be the grown-up, you’re the president’
By Grabien Staff

KOHN: "I mean, here we are, we're talking about Thanksgiving day, right, where we are literally celebrating the holiday by which white forebearers in this country came and kicked native American off of their land and slaughtered and pillaged them. Let's face facts. The fact is that Donald Trump has a pattern of treating white supremacists with kid gloves and going after black people and black athletes with outrageous terms. You didn't like what the guy said? All right, fine, attack him. That's a little weird you're so sensitive. You're supposed to be the grown-up, you're the president. You've got to call him Don King.

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