
Sam Stein Runs Interference for Schiff: Wasn’t Sure It Was the Same Whistleblower

‘We would love to talk directly with the whistleblower’
By Grabien Staff


STEIN: "He said at the time when he was saying that -- obviously we now know that the whistleblower had approached his staff, but there wasn’t 100 percent certainty that the whistleblower who approached his staff was the same one who is behind the actual complaint. There's a suspicion, it was, but it wasn’t 100 percent certainty. He also was explaining that he was trying to compel the whistleblower to come testify before the committee when he was saying that, but, again, he expressed regret for what he said on the initial interview with 'Morning Joe' and said he should have been much more clear about it. I will say this puts him in some — in some trouble. He clearly wasn’t being forthright in that interview with us a couple weeks ago and he should have been.”

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