
Sanders Calls for Free Coronavirus Vaccine, Claims Trump Admin. Only Wants the Rich to Receive

‘It should be made free to every person in this country and, in fact, every person in the world’

As president, Bernie Sanders says he’ll make a Coronavirus vaccine “free” for every person in the world.

Sanders, speaking at a roundtable Monday in Detroit, did not explain how the development or mass manufacturing of a “free” vaccine will work. 

The Democratic candidate also accused the Trump Administration of planning to limit such a vaccine to rich Americans.

“It goes without saying that the United States must work with scientists around the world to aggressively develop a vaccine for the coronavirus,” Sanders said. “The Trump Administration has suggested, as some of you know, that the vaccine might be too costly for some people to afford. How vulgar, obscene is that idea that you’re rich, you can get the vaccine. You’re poor, you can’t get the vaccine?”

“You’re going to die, you’re going to live so that the drug companies can make their outrageous profits?” Sanders continued. “Not acceptable to the American people.”

Sanders vowed he’d make any future Coronavirus free not onl for Americans, but everyone.

“When that vaccine is developed and it must be developed as quickly as we can working with folks all over the world,” he said. “Obviously it should be made free to every person in this country and, in fact, every person in the world.”

(Watch on YouTube)

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