
Santorum: For 8 Years Obama ‘Sat by and Said Nothing’ About the Rise in Anti-Semitism

‘The President [Trump] has stood by Israel in ways that President Obama has not’
By Grabien Staff


SANTORUM: “Let’s look at the President’s record and compare it with what we have seen in the last eight years. Number one, the President has stood by Israel in ways that President Obama has not and stood very solidly with the state of Israel. His daughter, who is Jewish, has been very, very clear about these things, and I think that’s an important voice coming out of the White House. I've got to tell you, Chris, this is why you hear about, quote, 'fake news.' For eight years the Obama Administration sat by and said nothing about the increasing anti-Semitism on college campuses coming from all over the place, coming from pro-Palestinian groups, from Muslim groups, from progressive groups, I mean rampant anti-Semitism on the most liberal college campuses and President Obama said and did nothing and no comment from the national news media, not a single word.”

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