
Santorum: The Other Alternative on Health Care Is for Trump to Provide ‘Real Leadership’

‘If Donald Trump wants to change the game here in Washington, I would say go out of Washington’
By Grabien Staff

SANTORUM: There’s another alternative. And the other alternative is for the president to actually step forward and provide some leadership here. And the best way to do that, in my opinion, is to do what we did when we had a similar problem back in 1996, in trying to reform welfare.

And that is we went to the Republican governors and Republican governors came together and said, this is a plan that we’re willing to put together and that gives us more responsibility to deal with this. And Washington you work with us.

I have no doubt that if Republican governors get together, every Republican senator from one of those states is going to vote for what their governor wants. That’s exactly what happened in 1996.

So if Donald Trump wants to change the game here in Washington, I would say go out of Washington. Go into the state capitals. Meet with Scott Walker, who’s the head of the RGA, and meet with a whole bunch of other Republican governors who are — who want to fix this problem but want the flexibility and the money to do it.

And if I think — if he does that, I think he will show real leadership here in Washington.

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