
Scalise on the Border: Most Dem Mayors Want to Solve This Problem, It’s Biden Who Doesn’t Want to Fix It

‘President Biden could stop this all on his own, you know it, President Biden knows it’
By Grabien Staff

SCALISE: "I wish there was a deal that actually secure the border but everything that you hear now that will be coming out of the Senate which started a baseline of 5000 people coming in legally as being okay, it was Jay Johnson, Barack Obama’s homeland security secretary who said a thousand people coming across illegally is a crisis. Today we have thousands coming across. President Biden could stop this all on his own, you know it, President Biden knows it he chooses not to he wanted open border, secretary mayorkas job to secure the homeland has failed miserably in the mission and he comes to testify before Congress at the border secure and everybody knows that that is a lie. This impeachment is the next step will ultimately president Biden could solve this problem, we have a bill hr2 that we passed out of the house that was the cure America’s border that’s really where the conversation needs to start if you want to be serious about fixing the problem and by the way most Americans and most Democrat mayors want to solve this problem, it is Joe Biden that does not want to fix the problem at all."

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