
Scarborough: Gun Magnate Stephen Feinberg Gets Richer Every Time Americans Are Slaughtered by These Weapons

‘People go out and buy more guns’
By Grabien Staff


SCARBOROUGH: "Tell us about Stephen Steinberg, is that his name?" 
SULLIVAN: "Feinberg. Feinberg, yeah."
SCARBOROUGH: "Feinberg." [crosstalk]
SULLIVAN: "He’s a reclusive guy, apparently he doesn't even use e-mail, he's a multi billionaire, went to Princeton, lives in New Jersey, drives a pickup truck. Cerberus; they were best known as part of the Chrysler bailout. That’s where your audience might remember them from."
SULLIVAN: "But that’s the situation. People go out and buy more guns. Just -- just quickly, one quick anecdote —" [crosstalk]
SCARBOROUGH: "So let me just ask you -- so when children get slaughtered in Sandy Hook, stock prices go up and Stephen -- what’s his name?" 
SULLIVAN: "Feinberg."
SCARBOROUGH: "Stephen Feinberg gets richer, right?" 
SULLIVAN: "Ostensibly. Listen, ostensibly. They're not public --" [crosstalk] 
SCARBOROUGH: "So -- so and when people get slaughtered going to a country music concert, then what you’re telling me is that he and his company get richer? Every time Americans are slaughtered by these weapons, Stephen — what’s his name again?" [crosstalk] 
SULLIVAN: "Stephen Feinberg." 
SCARBOROUGH: "Stephen Feinberg gets richer every time Americans are slaughtered by these weapons."

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