
Scarborough Likens Private Broadcaster Sinclair to USSR State-Run Media for Attacking Propaganda

‘We conservatives mocked forever the soviets and the fact that the state would type out their scripts’
By Grabien Staff


SCARBOROUGH: “I was going to say, you know, we conservatives — not you, because you were probably not even born when the wall fell but we conservatives —"
ROOTHAM: "I was a -- I was there." (Laughter)
SCARBOROUGH: “We conservatives mocked forever the Soviets and the fact that the state would type out their scripts and they would read news scripts that were obviously repeated --"
SCARBOROUGH: "-- yeah, like robots were reading them and now that you have 'conservatives' and this is not conservative but people will say, 'Oh, look at the conservatives reading their scripts', it’s nothing to do with conservatives, it’s Trumpian and it does -- it does smack of like what — sort of state run media for an autocrat.”

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