
Scarborough: Not One Republican Senator Will Speak out Against Russian Propaganda

‘It’s just not right for to us to actually promote Vladimir Putin’s propaganda policies when we go on national television’
By Grabien Staff


SCARBOROUGH: “Mitt Romney has all the money he will ever need. Mitt Romney has all the money he will ever need. He can get re-elected for as long as he wants to get re-elected. Is it asking too much for Mitt Romney to go to the Senate floor today and condemn colleagues who are using active Russian measures to push Vladimir Putin’s propaganda on Sunday talk shows without remorse, without apology? Is it asking too much for Mitt Romney or Ben Sasse or Susan Collins or Cory Gardner or Martha McSally or Jody Ernst or -- or -- or any Republican, I’ll take any Republican senator to say, it’s just not right for to us actually promote Vladimir Putin’s propaganda policies when we go on national television. It’s — we cannot be that party. Is that too much? Apparently, Mika, not one Republican senator, not one, will speak out against this. Not one."

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