
Scott Galloway: ‘It Just Seems Mathematically Improbable that [Trump] Won’t Be Sentenced to Prison at Some Point’

‘It just feels mathematically likely something is going to stick here’
By Grabien Staff


GALLOWAY: “I don’t think you can be sure. If you look at the jurisdictions he’s been charged in, they have between a 70 and 92 percent conviction rate and only a third of people who receive the indictments or the charges that he’s received don’t end up with prison time. So even if you were to discount those statistics or cut them in half because it is a different situation, it just seems mathematically improbable that he won’t be sentenced to prison at some point. So it’s become a bit of a game show, and that is, his objective is to slow down the trials until after. But if you look at statistically the likelihood that one of these 93 charges will stick, it just feels mathematically likely something is going to stick here.”

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