
Scott Jennings: Hur’s Report Is ‘More Damaging, Longer Lasting and Pivotal’ for Biden’s Campaign

‘In politics, some of the most damaging things are the ones that are confirmed by independent third-party validators’
By Grabien Staff


JENNINGS: “Well, if you just look at the polling. I mean, obviously people had these concerns and the concerns that they had came from what they saw themselves in television appearances and speeches and so on and so forth. What makes this more damaging and I think longer lasting and really pivotal for this campaign is that a third party credible, independent voice comes along, spends a few hours with Joe Biden and says, yes, everything you think you’ve been perceiving about his public performance is absolutely true. And in politics, some of the most damaging things are the ones that are confirmed by independent third party validators. In this case, Mr. Hur spends a few hours with him and comes to a conclusion that a lot of voters had been perceiving. But, you know, they don’t interact with Joe Biden every day. It’s just what they could see on TV. So, yeah, I think it’s going to last and I think it’s going to hurt. And I think you can see from the, you know, people coming out today and just how vicious they’ve been against Hur. Frankly, vicious is what they’ve been. I mean, called him a liar and called him a partisan today, that they know it’s damaging as well.”

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