
S.E. Cupp Bashes Sarah Sanders for the ‘Weaponizing of Identity Politics’ to Drum up Support for Haspel: ‘Odious’

‘Stop doing it right now’
By Grabien Staff

S.E. Cupp Bashes Sarah Sanders For the ‘Weaponizing of Identity Politics’ to Drum Up Support For Haspel: ‘Odious’ (Mediaite)

Two weeks ago, Unfiltered host S.E. Cupp absolutely blasted White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders for, in Cupp’s words, “playing the woman card” in an effort to drum up public support for then-CIA nominee Gina Haspel. On Monday, following Haspel’s swearing-in, Cupp renewed her criticism of the press secretary in a big, big way.

“I’m sick of this,” Cupp said of Sanders trying to rally support for Haspel on the basis of her being a woman. “Of all the things this White House has done to offend the conservative heart and mind, this particularly offends mine. Pitting women against each other, pitting our identities against our ideologies, and playing the woman card just because you have one is not conservative. This is explicitly the kind of thing we conservatives have spent decades railing against the left for.”

Sanders, on Monday, Tweeted that Haspel’s confirmation should be seen as a signal that “Democrats are losing their war against women in the [President Donald] Trump administration.”

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