
Sean Spicer: Trump Understands ObamaCare ‘Is Broken’

‘He understands the current healthcare law is broken’
By Grabien Staff


SPICER: "I think it will pass. The president is committed to seeing it through. He has been meeting with members from both houses and both parties. Republicans, Democrats. He understands the current healthcare law is broken. We have patient paying more and more. And for many counties in our nation there is only one healthcare provider which is no choice. They are not getting what they were promised 8 years ago. In many cases people have a card, but they don’t have care. We heard committee chairman here at the White House for three reasons, one is to thank them. In both committees this has gone through in the house, there has been unanimous support from Republicans. This is a three-prong approach it was passed that way and we have to do it that way. We can do an arcane process called reconciliation. There are some things you can do and certain things you can’t. Then there are other things that can be done. And other thing that have to be done in a third front meaning we can buy healthcare across state lines. Expand the pool of health savings accounts. Allowing small businesses to pool their resources together."


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