
Secretary Blinken: No One Is Safe Until Everyone Is Safe, Omicron Reminded Us of That

‘We have to find ways to do this together’
By Grabien Staff


BLINKEN: "— that no one is safe until everyone is safe. Omicron has reminded us of that, if we need reminding. And so, we have to find ways to do this together. We were just a few days ago together on a video conference with some of our colleagues, because I think we both feel at this point that we have to do more to mobilize coordinated collective action to really finally get ahead of Covid and to get where we need to be at the end of the year, which is 70 percent of the world vaccinated, on emerging technologies that are shaping everyone’s life. Again, even if we did everything just right somehow in the United States, by definition, these technologies surpass borders. We have to find ways to set rules, norms and standards together. So, that is our fundamental proposition, and it’s exactly why, first off, we have invested so much of our own effort in the first year that we've been in office in reinvigorating, revitalizing our alliances, our partnerships, investing the time, the effort, because without that we won’t succeed. And I’ve been so grateful because when it comes to the partnership here, Germany is our partner, first resort on everything. There’s not an issue where we have not been working closely together and it’s beyond words. It’s truly invaluable."

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