
Sen. Graham: I Would Not Invest 15 Cents in a Future Palestine Where Hamas Is Still Standing

‘I blame the deaths of all these Palestinians on Hamas’
By Grabien Staff


GRAHAM: "Well, you’ve got to remember — Hamas wants to up the casualties of their own people. They’re using the Palestinian people as human shields. They have command bunkers under schools and hospitals. They use apartment complexes to launch military operations. So, I blame the death of all these Palestinians on Hamas. But Israel is trying to mitigate casualties. We need more humanitarian aid as long as it doesn’t go into the hands of Hamas. But here’s what I want the world to know. If Hamas is still standing when this is over, we have failed as a world community. I would not invest 15 cents in a future Palestine where Hamas is still standing. They have 24 military brigades that need to be destroyed. Their leaders need to be killed and captured. And I wouldn’t invest 15 cents into the Palestinian Authority regarding a new Palestine. Abbas’ Palestinian Authority is dead to me. So, when we get to the day after, when Israel has ceased military operations because Hamas has been destroyed, the new Palestine cannot have Hamas, and it cannot be governed by the PA.” 

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