
Sen. Graham Praises Cruz: ‘We Have a Lot in Common’

‘I know what I’m getting with Ted Cruz’
By Grabien Staff

In his most resounding praise of the Sen. Ted Cruz to date, Sen. Lindsey Graham said this morning “I can work with Ted Cruz” as president.

“I know what I’m getting with Ted Cruz,” Graham told Meet the Press. “He would repeal ObamaCare and replace it with something better. He’s not going to order our troops to commit war crimes. He would defund Planned Parenthood.”

“We have a lot in common; tactically I disagree with Ted about shutting down the government to repeal ObamaCare – I thought it was a bad idea – but yeah, if I can work with Ted Cruz, I think that shows there is hope,” Graham said.

The New York Times’ David Brooks challenged Graham to cite any Cruz accomplishments in the Senate. Graham said Cruz created a lot of anger among conservatives toward himself and Sen. McConnell, but “he’s a Republican conservative, and Donald Trump is not.”

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