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Sen. Hirono: FBI Kavanaugh Investigation Already Shaping up To Be a ‘Farce’

‘I want to use the word farce’
By Grabien Staff

STEPHANOPOULOS: Are you confident the Democrats didn’t leak that letter and how do you respond to Senator Graham’s charge that it was inappropriate for the Democrats to refer Dr. Blasey Ford to a lawyer?

HIRONO: All of these things do not focus on what we should be focusing which is the credibility of Judge Kavanaugh. That’s what’s before us right now. And all kinds of other studies are (inaudible) investigations that can occur.

But right now what we need to focus on is our ability as senators to do our advice and consent job to determine whether Judge Kavanaugh is credible, whether he was candid with us, whether his demeanor by the way in – in accusing Democrats of some kind of a conspiracy to do him in is – was so bizarre.

And, by the way, even as all of these accusations about this being politically motivated are being tossed around, everyone acknowledges, including Judge Kavanaugh, that Dr. Ford is not being politically motivated.

That is very clear. So that brings us to the crux of whether or not this FBI investigation is going to be thorough, I would think that that is what Senator Flake had in mind, that it would be a thorough investigation that would enable us to determine the character credibly and indeed we saw in Judge Kavanaugh’s behavior questionable demeanor.

STEPHANOPOULOS: From what you’ve learned about the FBI investigation, will it be a credible investigation?

HIRONO: That’s going to be the big outstanding question, I would think that Jeff Flake and the other senators who are going for this investigation will call for – there’s time, you know. The thing is that every Senate vote matters and there is – there is time to get to the bottom of it, even if it’s seven days.

That’s bad enough, but then to limit the FBI as to the scope and who they’re going to question, that – that really – I wanted to use the word farce, but that’s not the kind of investigation that all of us are expecting the FBI to conduct.

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