
Sen. Van Hollen Blocks Sen. Hawley’s Resolution Condemning the Anti-Semitic, Pro-Hamas Actions on College Campuses

‘What you are doing here is smearing all of the students who engaged in these protests’
By Grabien Staff


VAN HOLLEN: "I’m not suggesting to my colleague that any particular statement that he took out from these protests was a legitimate statement. No. No, no. But what you are doing here — what you are doing here is smearing all of the students who engage in these protests. Yes, you are. And that is wrong. And I would just invite you, again, to join with me if we’re going to get in this practice — and I don’t suggest it, this is one of the reasons I’m here — of when there are terrible, hateful remarks made against any group, whether they be blacks or other minority groups, the United States Senate, maybe we will weigh in — "
HAWLEY: "What's the smear? You said we're smearing student groups. Point me to the language."
VAN HOLLEN: "There are student groups that may have legitimate concerns, for example, about — just a minute — legitimate concerns about the loss of innocent civilian life."

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