
Sen. Warren on Repealing the Hyde Amendment: ‘It’s About Equal Opportunity for All Women’

‘What this is about is health care, about reproductive freedom, about economic freedom’


HAYES: "What do you say to someone who says, look, I agree with you on substance, but if you look at the polling, Americans have all sorts of cross-pressured modeled views on abortion, there's strong support for keeping Roe vs. Wade. But if you say government funding abortion, the polling flips the other way, right? It's not necessarily a majority position, and what do you say to someone who says no, this is the smart political move if you need to win in a general election to support the Hyde Amendment?"

WARREN: "This is not about politics. What this is about is about health care, about reproductive freedom, about economic freedom and about equal opportunity for all women. That's what this is really about."

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