
Seth Meyers Presses Newsom on San Francisco Homeless Problem: ‘You Can’t Blame It on Conservatives’

‘I’m suing cities’
By Grabien Staff


MEYERS: "So I do want to say, because you have said you own the issues, as well, right, so I was recently in San Francisco. Great meals, wonderful time, and then also there's streets you walk down where you are like, 'Oh, this is a bad scene.' Obviously, a lot of money has been spent on the homeless problem, and I think that’s great and that’s compassionate, but money only does so much. It does seem like, and I think you agree with this, that the issue is there aren’t enough homes and you’re up against zoning, and zoning is often not — you can’t blame it on conservatives. This is often your own liberal support base that don’t want — "
MEYERS: "Yeah, NIMBYism. Everybody agrees that we should have homes for these people, but they don’t want it in their neighborhoods or to block their view. How do you even go about that?"

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