
Seth Moulton: Nancy Pelosi ‘Didn’t Respect the Women’; She Should ‘Step Down’ from Leadership

‘It’s about a lot of women who are really being hurt’
By Grabien Staff


MOULTON: "Steve, I think that we all agree that when she came out on the 'Meet the Press' interview, she was not -- she did not say the right things in any respect. She didn't respect the women who have brought forward these allegations. Claimed we didn't know who they are, in fact we do know who they are. They've been remarkably brave in sharing their stories. My point is, my positions on party leadership are very clear. And I've been calling for our leaders to step down and to allow a new generation of leaders to step up and lead our party forward for a long time. But what I don't want to do is distract attention from the fact that this is a very serious issue. It's not just about party leadership or not about inter politician politics. It's about a lot of women who are really being hurt. You know, we've been having conversations about this just in my office, you know, to talk about the culture that we have and what we can do to make sure that right in my office on Capitol Hill, we have a culture where people feel supported. Where if they have any concerns whatsoever, they can come forward with those concerns. Where they understand the policies, but much M importantly that we take any allegations seriously. Those are the kinds of conversations that we really need to have to create an environment where women, for once, feel supported. And not attacked when they want to come forward with these incredibly allegations."

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