
Shontel Brown: ‘The Hypocrisy of the Republican Party Is Boundless’

‘It’s not surprising to me that they continue to defend this man whose campaign started out as a big lie’
By Grabien Staff


BROWN: "Sadly, I’m not. But first and foremost, thanks for having me, Reverend Al, it’s always a pleasure to be on your show. I have to take the words of Joaquin Jeffries saying that their shamelessness is their superpower. The hypocrisy of the Republican Party is boundless. It’s not surprising to me that they continue to defend this man whose campaign started out as a big lie. Who’s election into office continued on as a big lie. He debated the number of people that were in attendance for his inauguration. It’s a repetitive cycle. Sadly, it’s very disappointing that the folks on the other side of the aisle don’t have the courage to be able to stand up to this man. I don’t know what it is going to take. But I am proud to say as a member of the oversight committee were going to do everything that we can to get to the bottom of this, Reverend Al."

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