
‘Star Wars: Acolyte’ Director Says She’d Like to Make Disney-Like Movies that Her Parents Would’ve Allowed Her to See as a Queer Person

‘I would love to make something like this’
By Grabien Staff


HEADLAND: "When I saw 'Frozen' as a -- as a grown ass woman I -- I cried through the entire movie. There was just something about the relationship between the sisters the -- the -- like the villainization of the classic kind of fairy tale bad -- bad guy, you know, the concept of true love being between two sisters and not a heterosexual relationship. Like it just -- it just destroyed me completely. And I thought, gosh, you know, I would love to make something like this, that is, you know, for lack of a better term Disney, meaning something that like my parents would have allowed me to see when I was younger as a queer person."


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