
Stephen Miller to Glenn Thrush: ‘The NYT Can Hire All the Low-Skilled, Less-Pay Workers ... and See How You Feel’

‘President Trump has met with American workers who have been replaced by foreign workers’
By Grabien Staff


THRUSH: “I’m not asking for common sense. I’m asking for specific statistical data.”
MILER: “I think it’s pretty clear you’re not asking for common sense. If I could just answer your question..."
THRUSH: “Common sense is wonderful.”
MILER: “I named the studies, Glenn.”
THRUSH: “Let me finish the question.”
MILER: “Glenn, I named the studies. I named the studies.”
THRUSH: “I asked you for a statistic. Can you tell me how many – “
MILER: “Maybe we’ll make a carve-out in the bill that says 'The New York Times' can hire all the less skilled low paid workers they want from other countries and see how you feel then about low wage substitution." 

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