
Steve Forbes: You Don’t Cure Inflation by Making People Poor

‘Let the economy recover’
By Grabien Staff


FORBES: “Well, the economy is showing an extraordinary resilience despite all the abuse that this administration has put on it, and the rate increase that the Federal Reserve has enacted to try to slow the economy down. So I hope, as Andy says, the Federal Reserve backs off. You don’t cure inflation by making people poor, so let the economy recover. But we have headwinds out there, overseas we know what’s happening, not a very good thing, China’s not doing as well as people had anticipated. Europe is in the doldrums, so leave things alone. But unfortunately, the Federal Reserve may still be tempted to do another rate increase, consumers are getting more and more in debt, debts are being renegotiated at higher levels, especially in commercial real estate, so we have headwinds out there so back off. I hope that jobs report gives the Federal Reserve pause, but I’m not optimistic. They seem to be determined, gotta crush the economy some more."

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