
Steve Hayes: We’re Seeing a Revolt of Trump’s Base Because of Deals with Dems

‘Looks like he’s teaming up with Democrats, at least right now’
By Grabien Staff

HAYES: "Yeah, look. This is something that I think a lot of conservatives were worried about with Donald Trump. In the history of being center-left, I think, on policy issues when he weighed in before he ran for president, he’s shown a willingness to fund Democrats in the past, and I think many conservatives were skeptical President Trump would be the kind of conservative is he sometimes ran as when he ran for president. This is sort of those fears realized. You are seeing, I think I’m of the revolt some of his base, because of these decisions. People who had stood by him and said, look, no he’s going to be a different kind of politician. He’s going to take on both parties. Looks like he’s teaming up with Democrats, at least right now."

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