
Steve Schmidt: Pelosi Should Start ‘Measuring the New Drapes for Her Office’

‘When we look ahead to November, Nancy Pelosi might be well served to start measuring the new drapes for her office’
By Grabien Staff

WALLACE: "Steve Schmidt, Ed Gillespie is a good person and Elise Jordan put this nicely yesterday. His campaign didn’t reflect the decency of the person that was our former colleague in the bush White House. Ed Gillespie’s story seems like the perfect story. He came from working class family. Worked his way up to the highest levels of power in Washington and he didn’t lose because of the reasons that Steve Bannon is smearing him with today saying he was part of the swamp. He didn’t lose because of the reasons Donald Trump suggested on Twitter. He lost because he sold his soul to the ugliest and darkest parts of trumpism."
SCHMIDT: "He got wrapped up in the Republican politics and the Donald Trump era. He lost because of Donald Trump and when they are citing these four house races, Tom Price, his last three elections, he had about a 66% average. The Republican wins with about 49.5% of the vote. Not for nothing because of Tom Price’s corruption. He had to resign, of course. But not before the Republicans invested $50 million into a Republican seat. If you look at just the congressional races and understand in the last 118 years there’s only been three times about the incumbent president’s party hasn’t lost seats in the first midterm. This should be a moment where Republicans are terrified in the house of representatives over losing their majority. Instead what the speaker says is, we’re with trump, clarifying it completely. We now look at the American electorate and see clearly out of Virginia. You have all the Democrats are against him. The majority of the independents are against him. And about 25% of the Republicans are against him. So the Democrats if they win in November, aren’t going to be able to enact a Progressive agenda. Not while he’s in the white House. There’s one question on the ballot which is, do you want to have a check on Donald Trump because the Republicans in the Congress are completely incapable of exercising any oversight authority on any of the excesses in this administration from its malfeasance to itcompetence to its corruption. When we look ahead to November, Nancy Pelosi might be well served to start measuring the new drapes for her office."

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